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Tampa Bay Little League

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Common Q&A's

When does registration start?

Spring season online registration opens every year around mid to late November.  Fall season online registration opens every year last week of July.  Check back with the website for updates.

How much does it cost to play and what is included in the registration fee? 

For Spring, registration is $300 for early birds and $335 after 12/31/24.   For Fall, registration T-ball, Minor C, Minor B and up in Baseball and Softball are $275.  A $50 late registration fee applies after Registration ends (usually around the 1st of January for Spring and the 25th of August for Fall).

Every player receives a shirt and a hat from their coach before the season starts. The team coach will decide the color pants, socks and belt that you will need to purchase.


Do you live outside TBLL boundaries, but go to a school within? No Problem!

Little League has created a rule to allow these players to play for TBLL.  In the registration process you will be requested to upload a school form or document in place of proof of Residency.

What is the season start and end date?

The Fall Season practices start right after Labor day and games start the 2nd week of September and end the weekend before Thanksgiving.The Spring season practices start around the 20th of January and games start the 1st or 2nd week of February depending on division and go through middle to late May.  Immediately following the conclusion of the regular spring season, park tournaments are held for Divisions B, A & Majors.  Every team in those divisions is eligible for the tournament and seeding is determined by the standings in the 2nd half of the season.  Winners of the park tournament for Minor A and Majors will represent TBLL in the "TAPI" held at one of the District 6 Little League parks. 

What is the schedule?

The schedule will be made closer to the start of the season once teams are drafted & finalized.  The coaches pick their practice day and time after the player draft or allocation. There is no way to know the schedule until after the teams have been selected.

How many practices and games will there be?

Tball and Minor C: Typically each team will practice once a week and have one game per week. Practice is usually during the week starting around 4:30pm. The practice is about 1 hour for T-ball and 1 to 1 1/2 hours for Minor C.  All games are played on Saturday mornings or early afternoon depending on how many teams there are.

Minor B, A, and Majors: Practices are 1.5 to 2 hours per week. Some coaches schedule more than one practice each week in these divisions before games start.

Games are usually in the evenings at 6:00 or 6:30 pm or Saturday morning/afternoon.

What level should my child play in? Tball, Minor C, Minor B, Minor A, or Majors?

Generally the divisions are divided by age. Skill is also a factor in determining a player’s division. A player may be placed in a higher or lower division if there is a safety risk.  Division Managers assign T-Ball and Minor C players by age and parent requests. In the spring season, we hold a mandatory tryout/evaluation and a “draft” in early-mid January for our Juniors, Majors and Minor divisions. Click here for divisions of play.

Are there tryouts?

There are only tryouts/evaluations in the Spring season for players in Minor B and older.

There are NO tryouts for Fall ball. Players are assigned to teams via an allocation that is held by the Managers.

Does everyone make the team?

Yes, every player will be assigned to a team. Their individual skill level and age will determine the division in which they play.

What equipment do I need for my child?

Every player will need a glove. It is also recommended that players have their own bats and helmets with face mark. If you are buying your own bat please ensure that the bats are approved by little league.  

Who do I talk to at TBLL if I have a problem after the season starts?

The first step in communication should be with your child’s Team Manager. The next level of communication is the Division Player Agent for your child’s division.

Division Player Agent contact information can be found here under the Board of Directors tab on the website.  Or email [email protected]

Are scholarships available?

Yes, TBLL does not want to exclude any child from playing due to a financial hardship. Please email [email protected] for details.

What are the rules on approved bats?

Click here for Little League's most current list of approved bats.

Where are the games played?

Click here to see the field locations.

Will there be pictures taken of our team?

In the Spring, picture date is TBD.  Your Team Manager or team Parent will communicate the time and location to the team.  More information will be available later.

Does the league use sponsors?

Yes, sponsorship is very important for TBLL to maintain the fields and continuous improvements and upgrades to the facilities.   More information is available online. If you know of a company or business interested in being a sponsor within our league, please Sponsorship Coordinator, Natalie Kelleher at [email protected].

Can I request that my son or daughter play on a specific team or with specific players?

Yes, in the lower divisions we do consider requests from players to play with their friends or a certain coach, but we absolutely make no guarantees.  We think it's important to combine kids from different schools to build new relationships in our league.  Once players enter the Minor B2 division and above, the game can become very competitive so we are unable to honor any requests. We do this to keep our teams as balanced as possible. Requests are made during registration under comments.  


How many coaches are there per team?

In most cases there is 1 team Manager and 2 coaches.

How can I become a coach?

Complete the required Registration online at (Please click on Manager/Coach Registration.  You will also need to complete the Little League Volunteer Application located on the website in the Registration section. This document, along with a copy of your driver’s license, can be uploaded to TBLL through the website.

Who do I talk to about coaching?

Complete the required Registration online and fill out the Little League Volunteer Application. Once completed download onto our website a Volunteer Application and a copy of your drivers license. Before the season starts you will be contacted by TBLL for a coaches interview. If you have any other questions you can email

Contact Us

Tampa Bay Little League

P.O. Box 18971 
Tampa, Florida 33679

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 631-572-9949
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